Tag Archives: Art

Invention and the Arts

Art, in all its guises, is of course an invention. Its evolution was governed by the internal manipulation common to any human endeavor. But it was also greatly altered and influenced by inventions not initially intended to relate to art. Consider the discovery of electricity, most famously by Benjamin Franklin but by others as well,…

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The Ascension of the Count of Orgaz

The Ascension of the Count of Orgaz is a painting by El Greco  (Doménikos Theotokópoulos) 1541-1614. It depicts the burial of Don Gonzalo Ruíz and the ascension of his soul to heaven. Ruíz was posthumously promoted to count, hence the title. Burial is often used in place of Ascension when referring to the painting, but I think the latter…

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The Metropolitan Opera House as a Graveyard

You’ve likely heard of yesterday’s evacuation of the Metropolitan Opera House because some terminally goofy member of the audience decided to empty his “mentor’s” ashes into the orchestra pit during the second intermission of the matinee performance of Rossini’s William Tell. The rest of the show was cancelled as was the evening performance of L’Italiana…

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Paris, Puccini, and Impressionism

The following video by GiorgioFH is a brilliant compilation of French impressionist art set to the music of Puccini – specifically La Rondine and Crisantemi. Be sure to watch it full screen. Mr FH deserves a solo bow. Another reminder that Puccini was a giant of art. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=st-5f-KMLFU

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