Tag Archives: Don Pasquale

Don Pasquale

He was old and foolish, Predicaments not inextricably conjoined. His friends for reasons linked to gain But writ in friendship’s tawdry advertisements Put him on a skewer and turned him hot For a delicacy twixt food and sleep. His pain is Indies spice for sluggish Palates that dine on grief And those that smirk at…

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Cheti Cheti Immantinente

The third act duet (Cheti, cheti, immantinente) from Donizetti’s Don Pasquale is one of the most enjoyable numbers in Italian opera buffa. Malatesta is pretending to help the ultra gullible Pasquale into trapping his new wife in a compromising  meeting with the tenor. The number ends with a mercuric blur of Italian symbols that defy comprehension,…

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Don Pasquale in Santa Fe

Donizetti’s comic masterpiece received its final performance of the season by the Santa Fe Opera on August 22, 2014. Laurent Pelly’s production is a collaboration with Barcelona’s Liceu and the San Francisco Opera. Pelly set the action in Post World War II Rome rather than the Rome of 100 years earlier. The time change was…

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Don Pasquale in HD Redux

As I was out of the country when Don Pasquale was broadcast live I had to settle for the rerun on December 1. This opera is a gem. What would any opera lover give for a composer who could turn out the wealth of great tunes that fill this work? It was one of the…

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