Tag Archives: edema

FDA Issues Guidance on Dietary Salt

The FDA has issued guidance about dietary salt intake. Their advice needs to be taken with a grain of salt – sorry, I couldn’t resist. The summary below conveys their intent and message. The whole report is below and can be downloaded. This guidance supports the goal of reducing sodium intake as recommended by scientific…

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Commentary on Deuteronomy 8:3-4

Verse 3 contains the universally accepted truism “That man does not live by bread alone.” In its fullest manifestation this characteristic is unique to our species. It explains all that is wonderful about mankind – poetry, art, music, science, mathematics, and much more. But there is an evil side to needing more than sustenance –…

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The Pathophysiology of Edematous Diseases

Below is a PowerPoint presentation that I will give to the South Plains Kidney Foundation Medical Symposium this coming Friday, May 3. PowerPoint Edema

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Nephritic Edema

Yesterday I mentioned Ludwig Eichna. One of his great contributions to medical pathophysiology was the delineation between congestive heart failure and a congestive state. He built on the ideas of John Peters at Yale. Peters observed that while all measurable fluid compartments in patients with CHF were expanded their kidneys acted as if volume were…

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