Tag Archives: Eric Wolfgang Korngold

A Guide to Korngold’s Stage Works

Schott Publishers has release a guide to the stage works of Erich Korngold. It’s appended below. As can be seen on their announcement they linked to a video of the 1983 Berlin performance of Die Tote Stadt. I was in Berlin during that run and went to one of its performances only to find that…

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Shostakovich and Korngold in Santa Fe

Two major works by Dmitri Shostakovich and Eric Krongold were presented yesterday evening by the Santa Fe Chamber Music Festival. They were preceded by a bit of fluff by Alfred Schnittke – Mo-Zart for Two Violins, after Mozart’s K 416d. For the carnival season of 1783 Mozart wrote some music for his family’s use. Most…

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Ich Ging zu Ihm – Korngold Das Wunder Der Heliane

The title of this piece is the 2nd act aria from Das Wunder Der Heliane by Erich Wolfgang Korngold (1897-1957). The opera was completed before the composer reached his 30th birthday. His most popular opera, Die Tote Stadt, was written when he was only 23. Born in Moravia, but raised in Vienna, Krongold was the…

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