Tag Archives: federal government

Back to Work by March 30: A Coronavirus Imperative

America has no choice if it is to avoid total disaster. China and Russia are open for business and working at close to capacity, as America shutters most all business and industry in states such as Pennsylvania, New York, California, New Jersey, and Connecticut. In many cases only select manufacturing companies are allowed to operate,…

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Government Is No Match for the Coronavirus

The coronavirus is reminding everyone that you cannot rely on government and that ultimately it is the private sector that will provide the solutions. Many nonmedical government officials and members of the media are predicting massive cases of COVID-19 and death, when in fact no one can predict the outcome. What we do know is…

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Thoughts on The Affordable Care Act

As everybody above ambient temperature knows, the US Congress is about to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act. The repeal part is easy. What to replace it with is much harder. As someone who’s spent more than half a century taking care of patients and teaching others how to do the same, I’d like…

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The Doctors’ Loophole – Another Reason why this is Such a Wonderful Country

Forty million Americans have a combined $1.2 trillion in student debt. Since the last recession this is only type of consumer debt that hasn’t decreased. As these loans are mostly guaranteed by the government they keep accumulating. Whether going into debt to get a college education is a good idea is not my subject. Neither…

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