Tag Archives: list
The 10 Best Mezzo-Sopranos of the 20th Century
Written by Neil Kurtzman | 21st July 2017It was really hard to pick 10 mezzos. There were so many great singers of this range in the 20th century that I’m sure that if I picked just 10 a week from now, the list would be different. So this ranking not only reflects personal taste and opinion, but it also is conditional. Feel…
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The 10 Best Tenors of the 20th Century
Written by Neil Kurtzman | 8th March 2016I’ve listed the 10 tenors that I think were the best of those active in the 20th century. Obviously, this list is entirely subjective and reflects nothing more than my tastes and opinions. Readers are invited to submit their own lists in the comments section. I have tried to pick a selection for each tenor…
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Top 10
Written by Neil Kurtzman | 3rd February 2011Anthony Tommasini the music critic of the New York Times has been driving music lovers to frustrated distraction by his endless quest for his very own list of “classical” music’s top 10 composers – in order of merit no less. Such compilations are basically frivolous, but they’re harmless. They can even yield some amusement. While it took…
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