Tag Archives: congress

Infrastructure Bill Offers Immortality
Written by Neil Kurtzman | 3rd April 2021[A] man can die but once: we owe God a death… and let it go which way it will, he that dies this year is quit for the next. Shakespeare Henry IV: part 2 An intern working from home for the Lake Charles Courier and Ives Daily has discovered a hitherto neglected passage of the Infrastructure…
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Asking the Right Questions
Written by Neil Kurtzman | 29th January 2014Politicians manipulate the facts to suit their political needs. It is the job of the press to sort competing claims to the truth and thus inform the public. Alas, they do a lousy job. This poor performance, bias aside, is largely due to their inability to ask the right questions and their poor analytical skills….
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House Healthcare Bill
Written by Neil Kurtzman | 29th October 2009Below is the complete text of the House Healthcare Bill – all 1990 pages. I haven’t read it but a quick search finds “tax” in it about 275 times. I wonder if anyone has read it. House HCR bill
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Draft of House Health Insurance Bill
Written by Neil Kurtzman | 31st July 2009If you are addicted to punishment you might want to page through the draft of the House’s health insurance bill. Not only have most congressmen not read it, they would have to understand bureaucratease – the language in which the bill is written. This is the June 19th version and comes in at a concise…
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