Tag Archives: epidemic

COVID-19 Mortality

Below are the latest CDC mortality rates for the coronavirus . The Five Scenarios The five COVID-19 Pandemic Planning Scenarios represent a range of possible parameters for COVID-19 in the United States. All parameter values are based on current COVID-19 surveillance data and scientific knowledge. Scenarios 1 through 4 are based on parameter values that…

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COVID-19: Back to Square 1

The country is gradually starting to reopen, but not before 33 million Americans are out of work. Millions more have or soon will lose their businesses. But if you stop and think about the difference between reopening and staying open from the start you’ll realize that except for the carnage there is no difference. Of…

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The Corona Virus Epidemic

The coronavirus epidemic has understandably caused much anxiety throughout the world. Uncertainty  about what the new  disease portends has wreaked havoc on the cruise ship industry and the airlines. The stock market which is always twitchy is still uncertain as to whether it should take a swan dive which is appropriate as COVID-19, as the…

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The New Flu

Medicine and microbes are engaged in a constant arms race. We develop a new treatment they counter with a mutation that defeats the treatment. The war never seems to end. Whether at some distant date, human ingenuity will triumph over blind dumb natural selection is problematic. Of course we may lose. The latest outbreak is…

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