Category Archives: Journalism

The Joys of Proofreading

For the record, the 49ers won 27-20.

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The Wall Street Journal and American History

The Wall Street Journal today published Students Stumble Again on the Basics of History. In it they present the familiar lament that many American students are deficient in the basics of American history. The following picture was used to illustrate how little our students know about the Declaration of Independence. All is not lost, however,…

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Joseph Epstein Cancels His Subscription to the NY Times

The writer Joseph Epstein has written a short essay on why he has canceled his subscription to The New York Times. I’m surprised it took him this long. Maybe it’s because he’s from Chicago and didn’t grow up reading the paper. I’m from Brooklyn and can remember when the paper was at the acme of…

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Headline of the Week

Man injured when run over by car Lubbock Avalanche-Journal Wednesday, August 12, 2009

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Why the Newspaper Business is Dying

In a world beset with event both catastrophic and tumultuous, momentous and turbulent the less than mundane should be far in the background. So what’s the main story in our local newspaper? This is: Does Obama’s puppy qualify as a rescued dog? Okay, human interest and all the rest. But a thousand words on this…

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Doctors Confirm 1st Law of Thermodynamics

A study just published in the New England Journal of Medicine concludes that reducing calories results in the same weight loss regardless of how caloric reduction is realized. In other words, a calorie lost from reducing fat, or carbohydrate, or protein has the same effect. “Reduced-calorie diets result in clinically meaningful weight loss regardless of…

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NY Times Execs Make Millions

The NY Times is waxing indignant about the high salaries paid to employees of universities. I predicted this 10 days ago. Of course, I share their dudgeon as I don’t make that kind of money. Obviously these guys are paid too much. Of course, if I did make as much money as they do I…

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Nonsensical Headline of the Day

Chip Sales Rose 2.3% in November Despite Industrywide Price Cutting

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