Tag Archives: flu

Fauci Says Vaccines against Flu and COVID Work Poorly if at All

Rethinking next-generation vaccines for coronaviruses, influenzaviruses, and other respiratory viruses is a paper by Anthony Fauci and two colleagues. It examines the reasons that vaccines against flu and COVID don’t work very well. This is a startling statement after all the public and repeated admonitions from Dr Fauci that everyone be vaccinated repeatedly. The summary…

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More on Masks For COVID and Flu

The Cochrane Library just published an analysis of the effect of wearing mask, using N95 respirators, and hand washing on the spread of respiratory viruses like flu and COVID. Cochrane has long set the standard for data analysis. Their lay summary is below. The complete analysis can be viewed here. The response to the COVID…

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The Question Nobody is Asking: How Many US Deaths From Flu This Season?

While we are obsessing about Covid-19, no one I know of is asking the obvious related question. How many Americans have died from the flu this season? The information is readily available on the CDC’s website. According to the Center (as of February 29): Nationally, influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 viruses are now the most commonly reported influenza…

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The Lack of Effect of Influenza Vaccination on the Elderly

The Annals of Internal Medicine recently published online a study of the effectiveness of influenza vaccination on the likelihood of subjects 65 and older being hospitalized or dying. The study’s objective was: “To determine the effectiveness of the influenza vaccine in reducing hospitalizations and mortality among elderly persons by using an observational research design that…

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The New Flu

Medicine and microbes are engaged in a constant arms race. We develop a new treatment they counter with a mutation that defeats the treatment. The war never seems to end. Whether at some distant date, human ingenuity will triumph over blind dumb natural selection is problematic. Of course we may lose. The latest outbreak is…

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