Tag Archives: Hitler

General Maurice Gamelin and 20 Million Dead
Written by Neil Kurtzman | 25th September 2024Maurice Gamelin (1872-1958) was the French Chief of the Army Staff from 1931 until 1940. While there is a surplus of blame that can be laid on the corpses and reputations of battalions of French and British officials, journalists, and many if not most of their citizens, Gamelin is a prime example of how a…
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The Grave Diggers – Book Review
Written by Neil Kurtzman | 4th August 2024The Weimar Republic governed Germany as a constitutional federal republic from the end of World War I until March 23, 1933, when the country officially became a one-party dictatorship under the control of Adolf Hitler. It effectively ended on January 30 of that year when the president of the republic (Paul von Hindenburg) appointed Hitler…
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