Tag Archives: insurance

The Rashomon Effect and Medical Costs

The Rashomon effect is contradictory interpretations of the same event by different people. The phrase derives from Akira Kurosowa’s great film Rashomon, where the accounts of the witnesses, suspects, and victims of a rape and murder are all different. This effect is so ubiquitous that objective truth seems impossible. I just came across an example of…

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The Real Problem With Healthcare

I have nothing to add to the discussion about the merits of the ACA otherwise known as Obamacare. Everyone who wants information about it has had more than enough offered to him. It’s not the real problem with our medical system. The kernel of our dilemma is us. We are the problem and congress can’t…

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The American College of Physicians and Health Care

The ACP just released a position paper on health care access. It’s a comprehensive analysis of our system compared to those of other developed countries. It’s a fair and sober as long as you start from the view that what’s needed in the US is a single payer system. It says it wants to learn…

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Health Insurance and the Medical Establishment

Though most are unaware of their existence, there is a medical establishment and they want a single payer system of health insurance. Who are the medical establishment? They occupy leadership positions such as Deans, Presidents, and Chancellors of medical schools. They have leadership positions in prestigious professional organization, they are in the Institute of Medicine,…

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