Tag Archives: Lubbock

Lubbock – A Tale of Two Cities

There’s an article in The American Mind a publication of the Claremont Institute that in its first half describes life in the city of Lubbock where I have lived for the last 40 years. It describes a series of municipal characteristics that have escaped my notice over those four decades. They include leaving personal items…

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Pilobolus Dance Theater at the Allen Theater

The Pilobolus Dance Theater gave a single performance in Lubbock last night (March 2, 2010) at Texas Tech’s Allen Theater. The group traces its ancestry back to Dartmouth College in 1971. Its dances (an inadequate word to describe what they do) are characterized by walking running, contortions, gymnastics, dance, athletics, and coordinated movements which words…

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Flatland Film Festival Opens

Lubbock’s  5th Annual Flatland Film Festival opened last night (Oct 15) at the Louise Hopkins Underwood Center for the Arts. The first half of the program offered four shorts films . The second presented a full length ( 85 minutes) feature, A Quiet Little Marriage. Spoiler alert! The plots of these films are discussed in…

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Weather Update

They (the weather forecasters) did it again. They predicted the end of the world for the second day in a row and all we got were mosquitoes. Don’t place your faith in man – or at least not in the weatherman.

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The Met at the End of the Line

If you want to know just how great this country is, come to Lubbock. Lubbock is at the end of the line. It’s like lactate metabolism; the only way out is the way you got in (unless you’re flying Southwest Airlines). Yet look what’s here. A major university – one of the few in the…

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