Tag Archives: time

On Time
Written by Neil Kurtzman | 19th August 2022My subject is Father Time. He’s undefeated and likely to remain so. Even Mother Nature cannot successfully handle Father Time. Time is very difficult to define. I’ll just say it’s what happens between then and now. Learnered volumes have been written about it. It’s very hard to say if it had a beginning or will…
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What’s in a Decade?
Written by Neil Kurtzman | 7th December 2019What a Way To End the Decade is the headline of a Fox Business article on the November jobs report. I suspect it’s not a good idea to get financial updates from an organization that doesn’t know when a decade ends, though such confusion is common. A consecutive sequence of 10 starting with 1 ends with…
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Don Giovanni’s Timeline
Written by Neil Kurtzman | 13th October 2017The time setting of the two acts of Mozart’s Don Giovanni has always puzzled me. Everyone, including I suppose Mozart and Da Ponte, seems to think that the action in Act 2 starts immediately after that of the first act. In other words, the action from start to finish is continuous and depicts the last…
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Quotation of the Week
Written by Neil Kurtzman | 28th January 2013Tincture of time is the best medicine. Unfortunately it kills all who take it. With apologies to Hector Berlioz
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