There’s nothing I can say about Beethoven that will in any way affect his Olympian stature other than to echo Verdi’s declaration that we must all bow before him. But if you want to see just how visceral his connection to all humanity is look at the video below.
When you consider the three giants of classical music, Bach, Mozart and Beethoven, they all developed their own style. Of course Johann Sebastian Bach created the foundations of the house in which all subsequent composers lived. Some may misunderstand him of being too intellectual and emotionally cool. But listen to this: This music gives you a perspective to look into the depths of the Universe and understand its inner works. Who does not feel awe and see God when absorbing these fruits of baroque passion.
Then came Wolferl Mozart who had learnt Bach´s formal lessons and added a unique element of playfulness into music which still inspires fun even in his minor pieces like the Rondo alla turca:
This is the kind of music that reconciles you with the absurdities and cruelties of the real world.
Then came Beethoven, the giant, whose powerful and dynamic chords and melodies shake the foundations of anyone able to feel. Who is more qualified to explain Beethoven´s unsurpassed universality better than Lenny Bernstein:
The greatest event of the second half of the brutal 20th century, the fall of the Berlin Wall, was celebrated aptly by performing this apotheosis of music.
Just listen to a Japanese orchestra from the other end of the world:
Look at the happy faces of the singers. Why do we not live in a world in which the powers that be invest into such enjoyment instead of atom bombs, hedgefonds and armies that attack and occupy foreign territory.
If music be the food of LIFE, play on … Bach, Mozart, Beethoven and their epigones.
All too mechanical for me. Volume does not passion make for me. Meaning Beethovan. Maybe its that gender thing……guys liking LOUD. So much of it anyway.
“Why do we not live in a world in which the powers that be invest into such enjoyment instead of atom bombs…………..”
Just how do you know that these ‘powers’ would support what you like??
We have BOTH lots of classical music and opera……..and bombs.
I LOVE this kid. And Beethoven, of course. Beautiful.
This musical Philistine, tho missing the Bach, Mozart, and Beethovan genes, greatly enjoys a Mozart horn concerto rondo by Flanders & Swan, appropriately titled “Ill Wind.”
My piano tuner played the French Horn and went hysterical over the cadenza. “Shock & awe.”