Community Health Needs Assessment
In order to continue as a 501(c)(3) organization, each hospital must conduct a community health needs assessment every three years and adopt an implementation strategy to meet the community health needs identified through the assessment. The assessment must take into account input from persons who represent the broad interests of the community served by the hospital, including those with special knowledge of or expertise in public health, and such assessment is made widely available to the public. The statute mandates that the Secretary of the Treasury review at least once every 3 years the community benefit activities of each hospital.
This provision will be enforced by the Internal Revenue Service. In other words, the IRS will decide whether local hospitals are meeting their community’s medical need. If the IRS finds that they’re not up the proper medical mark the hospital will lose its tax exempt status. Who could possibly object? In case you doubt me the entire law is below. I suspect that there is not one person in the world who has read all of it, but even a gentle perusal of its many facets will convince all but the delusional that it can’t be understood or administered without considerable mischief as its doppelgänger.
Added today June 6 (D Day) – In view of the report that that Verizon is under court order to provide the federal government with daily information on millions of their customers I should mention that the healthcare act requires that US citizens and residents regularly report and update the IRS or state exchanges on almost all aspects of their lives – changes in job or salary, divorce and marital status, and a change in the state in which they live.
As it collects data on potential violators of Obamacare’s coercive mandates, the IRS will be aided by the creation of a new Federal Data Services Hub, which will allow information to be collected and shared between the Department of Health and Human Services, the Department of Justice, the Department of Homeland Security, the Social Security Administration, the several states, and the IRS. As if enough privacy concerns weren’t raised by this, HHS has contracted with a private company—Quality Software Services, Inc., a subsidiary of UnitedHealth Group—to help build and police Obamacare’s exchanges. So it won’t just be government entities that have access to Americans’ sensitive data.
If all this doesn’t induce paranoia…
**it can’t be understood or administered without considerable mischief as its doppelgänger**
Is that not the purpose??? Arbitrary power. One guess where the axe falls first.
Operafilly, eternal cynic….
Our society has no solution, never had. Who can argue against this? Neither an Orda of Jesuscrists or Moses could save us.
In your face evidence is ignored by so many who cling to their various myths. The herd instinct is so pervasive.
About myths: Love continues without Venus, and war without Mars, and, if the Gods not longer intervene in human events, they are not of a less confusing nature. Do you think our truths are more valid than those of our ancestors? Most think that we are more “advanced”, but older myths and symbols do not express less than our modern concepts. Knowledge – as deep as it could be – never change, only it decoration.
***Do you think our truths are more valid than those of our ancestors?*** You are meaning religion?? I was meaning generally. So many wish to be ‘led’ and are ripe victims for opportunists. Dr. K here mentions several times the medical establishment’s reluctance to accept new evidence (truth) as the old is so entrenched, not with logic, but with habit. Also, i was refering to excessive government which is abusive and expensive, intrusive, and arbitrary.
As for mythology, Solon, I quite enjoy it as it makes marvelous opera. As for truth….an eternal quest. Sometimes the past can be built on. Sometimes it crumbles.
I tend to figure from the beginning, Sometimes a waste of time……….but occasionally a revelation.
Operafilly, who never uses templates………
@ Operaphilia : “I tend to figure from the beginning, Sometimes a waste of time……….but occasionally a revelation”
To me, everything is a waste of time, whether you do or not do anything.
As for the templates go, good for you. As English is not the language that I grew up with, I found myself translating my ideas into English. I will quote that writing or expressing yourself in a foreign language is like writing a love letter with a dictionary.
****To me, everything is a waste of time, whether you do or not do anything****
.OH NO!! You can’t mean that.!!!
*** expressing yourself in a foreign language is like writing a love letter with a dictionary.***
Beautifully put!!! Are you Greek??? And my name had been ‘Operafille,’ Opera Girl in French, then someone miss spelled it and I became Operafilly which I found far more suitable if you see my web site. Operaphilia certainlly sounds the prettiest…Thank you!!
.***everything a waste of time*** How did you come to that conclusion?? Or are you just in a bad mood. Even tho I’m such a cynic, from lots of bitter experience, I have a quite positive attitude……well, obstinate too. And each success seems a brick in the wall of life (good that I’m not a poet). Since you are at this site, you must feel strongly about opera and\or medicine. You consider these a waste of time??
***whether you do or not do anything**. But the doing is LIVING!!!! I wish there were 5 of me so I could do so much more……
Operafilly……painter, sculptor, welder, chemist, coloratura, horse trainer, grower, and in the old days, stone mason.