I offer no explication or defense for Bernie Sanders’ policy proposals. But I spent my entire adult life, until 2012, trying to cobble together private, individual health insurance. More often than not, I’ve lived with all the stress and risk of not having it at all. (This was based on family history, by the way…I myself have been fortunate to be very healthy all my life.)
Why are you so dead set against taking the profit motive out of health insurance? Why are you so dead set against exploring ways to expand coverage to more people?
I understand that the current system has worked pretty well for providers. But if one takes the stance that basic health care is a human right, it’s time to find a system that works well for everybody.
When I’ve been in the hospital, its because of prescribed drugs. A partial solution might be to educate people and doctors of safe alternatives to drugs. Doctors prescribe drugs sooooo casually before they even know the situation. My several hospital stays were all because of needless drugs. Over and over I have found alternatives that work safely when doctors said only drugs could help. There’s plenty of research I discovered for alternatives to drugs, or when doctors said nothing can be done. Train doctors in safe alternatives before trying drugs. I bet just that could cut medical costs 50%.
Neil A Kurtzman MD is the Grover E Murray Professor Emeritus and University Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Department of Internal Medicine at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center in Lubbock. He has combined careers in clinical medicine, education, basic research, and administration for more than 30 years.
I offer no explication or defense for Bernie Sanders’ policy proposals. But I spent my entire adult life, until 2012, trying to cobble together private, individual health insurance. More often than not, I’ve lived with all the stress and risk of not having it at all. (This was based on family history, by the way…I myself have been fortunate to be very healthy all my life.)
Why are you so dead set against taking the profit motive out of health insurance? Why are you so dead set against exploring ways to expand coverage to more people?
I understand that the current system has worked pretty well for providers. But if one takes the stance that basic health care is a human right, it’s time to find a system that works well for everybody.
When I’ve been in the hospital, its because of prescribed drugs. A partial solution might be to educate people and doctors of safe alternatives to drugs. Doctors prescribe drugs sooooo casually before they even know the situation. My several hospital stays were all because of needless drugs. Over and over I have found alternatives that work safely when doctors said only drugs could help. There’s plenty of research I discovered for alternatives to drugs, or when doctors said nothing can be done. Train doctors in safe alternatives before trying drugs. I bet just that could cut medical costs 50%.
[…] post previous to this one presented two links. The first was to an article that detailed the upcoming financial failure of […]