Category Archives: Health Insurance

Money Squawks

The February issue of The ACP Internist contains an article Adding cosmetic procedures lifts internists’ sagging incomes that defines the decline in morale of our country’s most important profession. Click on the link and you can read the whole sad story and make up your mind about what’s happening to medicine. The article reflects a…

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The Amazing Noncollapsing US Health Care System

The above title is from another NEJM article. It’s interesting from a number of perspectives. It admits that medical care is provided to uninsured patients through a network of public and voluntary hospitals, free clinics, etc. It concludes that this safety net has prevented the collapse of the system that many have predicted over the…

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The American College of Physicians and Health Care

The ACP just released a position paper on health care access. It’s a comprehensive analysis of our system compared to those of other developed countries. It’s a fair and sober as long as you start from the view that what’s needed in the US is a single payer system. It says it wants to learn…

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Controlling the Cost of Medical Care

This is a version of a talk I’ve given many times. It discusses how the ever increasing cost of medical care might be contained. I no longer think that anything other than divine intervention will control medical costs. The public believes that medical care is a right and thus should be paid by someone else….

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Health Insurance and the Medical Establishment

Though most are unaware of their existence, there is a medical establishment and they want a single payer system of health insurance. Who are the medical establishment? They occupy leadership positions such as Deans, Presidents, and Chancellors of medical schools. They have leadership positions in prestigious professional organization, they are in the Institute of Medicine,…

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